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Post  Gwrgi Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:31 pm

Current Level: 5
Play style: (aggressive, casual, adventurer, gold earner, arena fighter) More of an EXP earner than gold
Mushroom Buyer: Not now
Why you would like to join our guild: Actually, I'm in the guild, have been for a while; I just haven't bothered with the forum because it goes all cattywumpus in my browser. But I wanted to find out more about the merger thing that KarmaChameleon was talking about.
What you can offer our guild: I'm really good at taking enemies down a few notches in war so that Slick McGee can kill them after I'm done & get all the glory...
Anything else you think we should know: [Michael Keaton wangry-hisper-voice] "I'm Gwrgi!".


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